Indiana Laws Pertaining to Homeschoolers:
(quoted from the IDOE Web site, to which I have provided a link at right.)
"The compulsory school attendance law requires all children to attend a school taught in the English language
from either the start of the school year during which a child will turn 7 (if the child is to attend a public school), or
at age 7 (if the child is to attend a nonaccredited, nonpublic school {including, but not limited to, a "home school"}). The
child must continue to attend school until he or she turns 18, earns a high school diploma, or formally "drops out" of school
at age 16 or 17, according to the procedure set out at IC 20-8.1-3-17(j).
Parents who choose to home educate are required to report their home school's enrollment to the Indiana
Department of Education upon request of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (*italics mine - see below) (IC 20-8.1-3-24(b)). Dr. Reed requests that, if you decide to home educate, you report your enrollment via the online enrollment report
form available below, or by contacting the Department of Education to request a hard copy of the form."
*Please note the phrasing of the italicized portion of this phrase. There has been some confusion about the wording
of this phrase, but it is generally recognized as meaning that homeschooling parents are not required to report enrollment unless they
receive such a request from the State Superintendent or an agent thereof.